TAPP© "the Transactional Acces Point Protocol" is a 50 year/man development
by Online & Groupware

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Now Introducing the DNS 2.0 Architecture

GOTAPP has specifically worked on two major issues affecting the Internet: Naming and Addressing

Having studied how the telephone network addresses these questions, we came up with a new architecture, the “DNS 2.0 initiative", a revolutionary upgrade that will change the way people use the Internet in the near future.

1. What is an ADD?

The basic idea behind the DNS 2.0 initiative, is to give each and every person on the planet an ADD: an Attributed Digital Domicile.

The ADD consists of :
  • a unique and secure Domain Name for everyone

  • a home page that contains the user’s certified information, with all the possible ways to reach him

  • a digital safe that keeps track and logs the history of all messages, data, documents and transactions sent and received by the user

2. Who delivers the ADD?

On the Web as it works today, a user must get his own domain name (if not already taken), an email address, and choose a series of pseudonyms to enter social networks and various sites.
In a DNS 2.0-enabled Internet, the ADD is delivered by the same authority that organizes and rules the user’s ecosystem in the physical world.

A few examples:
  • A phone number is assigned by an operator

  • A postal address by the city’s administration that names and numbers the streets

  • Accounts and payment cards numbers by the bank

  • Social security ID the state administration

In a same way, a TAPP server hosts the user’s ADD, just like Facebook.com keeps its members’ homepages.
But in the case of ADD, the authority that runs the TAPP server is a real life organisation (school, city, administration…) with a real and recognized legitimacy to do so. Therefore, the user does not even have to register to be part of a community to which he already belongs.
Access to ADD’s embedded services is performed through a powerful search engine. Search results are filtered and sorted according to profiles and authorisations.

3. Advantages of the DNS 2.0 architecture

An ADD logs and stores in real time all user’s transactions in both the physical and virtual worlds. It combines "brick & mortar" operations and online transactions made by the ADD owner himself or by an agent acting on his behalf..

The TAPP architecture is build so that:
  • It identifies each party in a transaction

  • It delivers on-demand services whatever be the device

  • It performs end-to-end control and monitoring of all the transactions

  • It accurately logs, sorts and retrieves data, documents and transactions records

Thanks to the reliability of its end-to-end operations, the DNS 2.0 offers a trusted architecture that enables payment “as you go”.
Today’s Internet relies mostly on advertising. But with an end-to-end operated network, there is a fantastic opportunity for emerging countries and populations without a bank account but equipped with a mobile phone.

4. Implementation of the first very large DNS 2.0 platform.

The TAPP’s DNS 2.0 architecture has been extensively tested at a city and community level in Europe.
We are now undertaking the first large-scale deployment of a DNS 2.0 architecture.
It will start operating in Q2 2008.

The platform will host the ADD’s of no less than 27 million French residents, families, businesses, schools, associations and public services.
The service can be tested at www.postapp.net

5. Try DNS 2.0 now

Contact us by regular mail, fax or SMS, Phone or e-mail, please use the links on our Postal Attributed Digital Domicile by clicking here : Jean-Marc Lévy Dreyfus or Xavier Dalloz