Paytap : internet server enabling m-payment and m-wallet for everyone

TAPP© "the Transactional Acces Point Protocol" is a 50 year/man development
by Online & Groupware
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By enriching the Internet with a Transactional Protocol that seamlessly and securely :

• pilots, manages and monitors all transactions of every user, performed thanks to web navigation.
• Inserts, indexes and links to its context, all the content in a central remote Registry
• Retrieves any of piece of information from its context on a simple request, just like web search
• Enables the user to transact with his own content, as easily as with any Internet published content. no matter what device he uses – mobile or fixed, his machine or a mutualized one.

TAPP© finally concretizes the promise " Anytime, Anywhere, Any Device " announced by the oracles of the new economy since a dozen year.

Further, TAPP© services market is not restricted to the current PC users for TAPP© also provides instant benefits to all those who, because they suffer from the "Digital Divide", have hardly few or no usage of the Internet nor of Information Technologies.

For those, namely in developing countries, TAPP© enables ISPs, Operators, Charity and NGO, Administrations and Governments to provide each and every individual, with his certified digital identity and adapted personalized and dedicated services (Vaccination records, micro-finances, health services, e-learning, micro market place ...) delivered on any terminal this being mutualized ( a public PC simply operated as a public phone ) or personal (TAPP© portal runs extremely well on a GSM mobile phone). TAPP© opens the way to the 21st Century Digital Human Rights .

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